Arc Engine API (AEA) Helper Functions

Using the get_aea_helpers Point

The get_aea_helpers point provides various helper functions for interacting with the AEA API. This guide will explain how to utilize these helpers effectively in your projects.


To begin using the get_aea_helpers point, ensure it is properly initialized in your environment. The execute_process function will set up the global _aea object with all necessary helper functions.

Available Helper Functions

API Interaction

  • getPayload(data, method): Constructs the payload for API requests.
  • callAPI(url, payload, meta): Template for calling the API with logging.

Task Management



Some platform features call for a conversation_id. task_execution_id and conversation_id are interchangeable. conversation_id is a legacy term that will be deprecated.

  • restartTask(task_id, conversation_id): Restarts a task by deleting the current token and components, then recreating it in an initialized state.
  • closeTask(task_id, conversation_id, reason): Closes the specified task with an optional reason.
  • closeCurrentTask(reason) Closes the current task with an optional reason.
  • unassignTask(conversation_id): Unassigns the user from a task.
  • unassignCurrentTask() Unassigns the user of the current task.
  • transferTask(conversation_id, agent_id, transfer_type): Transfers a task to another agent.
  • transferTaskToMe(conversation_id) Transfers the specified conversation to the current agent.
  • transferCurrentTask(agent_id) Transfers the current task to the specified agent.
  • transferCurrentTaskToMe() Transfers the current task to the current user.
  • findTasks(keys, daysAgo, projection, limit): Search for the task with provided params.
  • findTokens(keys, daysAgo, projection, limit): Search for the tokens with the provided params.
  • getTokens(token_ids, projection): Get the tokens with the provided token_ids

Point Management

  • getEnabledPoints(domain, partitions, tokenId, options): Determines activated points by executing input fill.
  • searchPoints(type, filters, fields, sort): Searches points based on type, filters, and optionally fields and sort.
  • getPointsByNameFilter(names): Prepares an array of name filters for searching points.
  • getPartition(type, name, options): Collects all points in partition. Options: filters, fields, sort, and limit.

Generic Functions

  • genericPost(route, data): Makes a POST request to the API with the given route and data.
  • setAPIKey(api_key): Sets the current API key.

Using the Helper Functions

Example: Closing Current Task

await _aea.closeCurrentTask('optionally include a reason here')

Example: Closing a Task

To close a task with a specific reason:

await _aea.closeTask('task_id_example', 'conversation_id_example', 'Task completed');

Example: Transferring a Task

To transfer a task to another agent:

await _aea.transferTask('conversation_id_example', 'agent_id_example');

Example: Getting Enabled Points

To get enabled points for specific domains and partitions:

const enabledPoints = await _aea.inputFill.values(['partition1', 'partition2'], { tokenId: 'example_token_id' });

Example: Restarting a Task

await _aea.restartTask('task_id_example', 'conversation_id_example');